About Us

Our school provides students with a choice of 17 training areas to choose from. Ninth grade students are put through an exploratory program, where they rotate through four different training areas throughout the year. Then in tenth grade, they select one training program. To find out more about our Academic and our Vocational-Technical areas, follow the links at the top of the page.

Check out our Course Description Book for more detailed information about the school and our programs.

The leadership for our school comes from the following administrators:
Mr. Curtis Funkhouser – Administrative Director / Title 9 Coord. (cfunkhouser@cmvt.us)
Mr. Stu Tripler – Interim Principal (stripler@cmvt.us)
Mrs. Suzanne Rentschler – Director of Student Services / Special Education Director / 504 Plan Coordinator (srentschler@cmvt.us)
Mr. Tony Lylo – Business Manager (tlylo@cmvt.us)
Mr. Jeremy Adams – Director of Technology (jadams@cmvt.us)
Mr. Max Sitler – Custodial Maintenance Supervisor (msitler@cmvt.us)

The school is an extension of the educational programs of the six participating school districts. The option of vocational education at the Columbia-Montour AVTS gives students a full range of educational choices.

Participating School Districts
* Berwick Area School District
* Bloomsburg Area School District
* Central Columbia Area School District
* Danville Area School District
* Millville Area School District
* Southern Columbia Area School District


[Title IX Information Here]